Friday, August 10, 2012

August 10, 2012 - It’s A Go!



Monday, August 13, 2012 – Noon

St. Luke’s Hospital – Warren Campus


Got clearance from my GP this morning, so we’re go for surgery on Monday.  I’m guessing I’ll be under at least three hours and in hospital four to five days, best case scenario.

Of course, I would like all this to simply disappear; however, that’s not going to happen.  Instead, let’s look it straight on, get it done and get on with things.

Hopefully the “things” are recovering from surgery and then resuming, as Dave calls it, our “weird and wonderful life together.”

No walking today, as it was raining torrentially earlier and is forecast to continue coming down off and on the rest of today and most of tomorrow.

Besides that, I’m really just resting until Monday.

Oops!  More raindrops started just now.

My bag is packed, my hair got trimmed the other day, bills are paid up, the hospital has WiFi, my iPhone has books on it and there’s ice cream in the freezer for today and tomorrow. 

I’m good!

“Unity is strength.  Knowledge is power.  Attitude is everything.”

Thanks for stopping by!




1 comment:

  1. Wishing you the best for your surgery, Betty. I'm sure it will go well and you'll be feeling lots better afterward, once all the post-surgery 'icky' stuff settles down, that is.


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