Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 14, 2012 - Home!

This was delivered this morning to the mill . . . .

IPPE plant

It’s a lovely plant arrangement and bear from the folks at the company to which we are contracted here at the mill.  The card is so amazing and touching.  Yes, this is a large company, world-wide, but you know what?  They care about their people.  Blew me away and I’m very grateful for the expression of sentiment.

Yeah, and the plants, too.  When I’m better, I’ll have these babies in pots and in the ground!

Yesterday my surgeon had indicated that I possibly might go home tomorrow, Sunday.  Another blindside when he came in this morning on rounds and said I was doing so well that he would discharge me today, or I could stay until tomorrow if I were more comfortable with that. 

Since yesterday evening I was feeling much more stable, even though still on a thickened liquid diet.  Yep, there is some pain/discomfort but that is controlled well with the Percocet.  Stable is about the only word I can use – not recovered, but good enough to venture out and go home.

I’m just to take it really easy, basically doing what I was doing in hospital.  I can eat whatever I feel like, just don’t go crazy; drink plenty of fluids and take my pain pills so I’m not in discomfort.  Rest, relax and heal.

So here’s the skinny on “you’re doing very well, considering.”  I asked him point-blank today.  What I was told is that when a ruptured appendix was in the state like mine was, the patient’s intestines, etc. typically stop working and there is quite an extended hospitalization.

My “machinery” kept on tickin’ over, hence the “doing very well, considering”  statement.

I think I was extremely lucky and blessed.  I think my self-Reiki and the Reiki, energy, prayers and caring energy sent out by everyone had a lot to do with it.

Honestly, he seemed a bit baffled and surprised (but pleased) that I wasn’t really, really ill.

Anyway, I’m at home in our bed, which is now my command center/oasis for the next while.  Laptop, phone, TV remote, DVD player and movies, books on my iPhone, husband and dog.

Maggie was as happy to see as I was to see her, and it was a joyous homecoming!  She knows Momma isn’t up to par and is being very gentle with me.  Took a wee nap a while ago with our Maggs nestled between my outstretched legs.  She never budged.

It’s about time for a pain pill.  Dave bought a roasted chicken earlier and I may go nibble a piece or two of that.  I’m hungry!

Life is damn good, folks.

Thanks for stopping by!

Now go write!



1 comment:

  1. Wow...sounds like it's been a rough patch lately. So glad you are doing well and are home and recovering nicely. Best wishes all the way around!


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