Our days now revolve around power. Here’s our daily routine:
7:00 AM: Turn off generator and refill its tank. Turn it back on to do breakfast, recharge various devices and get on Internet.
If needed, Dave goes in search of gas to refill our gas cans.
11:30 AM: Turn off generator.
Around 4:30 PM: Turn on generator.
10:30 PM: Turn off generator, refill its tank and turn back on for the overnight shift. Nights are below freezing, so we must keep the rig warm enough for us, Maggie and for our pipes, etc.
7:00 AM: Repeat the cycle.
It’s a juggling act keeping cell phones, laptops, batteries for the industrial-grade flashlights we use and other items charged. This is charged; plug that in. Repeat as necessary.
We’re also without water as we’re on a well here, so we’re very conservative with what we do use.
We are trying to stretch our power resources (generator, RV battery, propane) by using this rotation.
Day 7 Off the Grid
Dave left before 7 AM and was lucky to score some gas for our cans. At Wal-Mart he also got four free cases (three one-gallon jugs per case) of water. Volunteer workers encouraged him to take more water and some ice, but he declined; there are others who are in more need than us.
Neighbors across the street were so very gracious in allowing me to do a load of laundry – socks, undershirts, thermals and underwear.
Dave went to the Riegel Ridge Fitness Center to take of advantage of a free shower.
I really don’t remember much else, but I know we stayed pretty busy until evening.
Day 8 (Today) Off the Grid
Day 8 matches our previous record off the grid which occurred during last year’s Nor’easter. Looks like Dave gets his wish to break our record.
5:30 AM: Awakened from an extremely deep slumber by a phone call from a power company lineman sitting at the gate needing onto the property. He was going to begin preliminary steps to restoring power.
I was in a total zombie state all morning after being jolted awake. Dave resumed clearing the property of fallen branches and larger limbs. I fielded a few business calls and felt very out of it.
11:45: It was my turn to boogie up to the fitness center for a luxurious hot shower and I knew I would feel better after showering. One of the ladies at the reception desk remembered me from last year’s Nor’easter. It was good to have a wee yap session with other women; that’s what I miss most about our situation here.
While showering, my phone rang. I wasn’t about to interrupt my luxuriating under the hot water, so when I checked my voicemail, Dave said there were about five power company trucks on the property. They were here to continue the process of getting power back online, although we still have no idea when we will be restored.

Sunshine greeted me on exiting the fitness center for the first time in over a week!
My next stop was the market, where I picked up a few more provisions in view of the Nor’easter scheduled to blow in here Tuesday night/Wednesday.
The last of the power crew left the property just a few minutes ago. They were mostly from Virginia, but also from Tennessee and North Carolina. Told those guys how much we appreciate them coming up to help out.
Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night in Scotland and we wanted to have a campfire, even a wee one for a wee while. Dave has wood prepared, and at this writing is going to see if the wind has died down enough to do so safely.
I will say that the company we are contracted to is working on a plan so we don’t get caught without power in the future. I’ll also say that our security company is working to help us out financially a bit in the interim; we are forking out a lot of money right now for gas to keep us with power.
We didn’t plan to boondock, but we are; don’t look for us at Quartzite or on BLM land in Arizona. We’re coping and very grateful for what we have, but we’re not incorporating boondocking into our RV lifestyle.
This was long and I apologize, but it was two days’ worth and then some.
Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with our brothers and sisters who continue to suffer, to cope with losses I dare not attempt to comprehend and to bravely rebuild their lives.
Thanks so much for stopping by!

I am a Warrior.